One of the most ingenious, novel, and, we believe, useful inventions of its kind, is a plan recently brought out, of applying power to agricultural and other hand or horse-propelled machinery, without the serious disadvantages attending the great weight, and consequent propulsive power ordinarily required. The cutters, and working parts of mowers, reapers, and tilling machines, are ordinarily driven from a wheel which carries the principal weight of the implement, and is itself rotated by its adhesion upon the ground, as the implement is drawn forward. Now, if the weight upon this wheel were very light, and the power required from it considerable, the wheel would slip over the ground like a sleigh runner, and the attached machinery would not be propelled. To avoid such a result, not only is the implement itself made very heavy, but the driver adds his weight to it, and the tread of the wheel itself is in most cases roughened with spikes or projections like a steamer's paddles, so that it shall more firmly adhere to the ground. That is to say: a light frame-work is amply sufficient to carry the working machinery, but for the simple purpose of adhesion, we add a tremendous and otherwise unnecessary load, provide several times the otherwise requisite power to draw it, and still further obstruct its easy action by driving the spiked wheels into the ground, and in thereby giving them a jarring and unsteady motion. Therefore the aid of the horse is called in; man power will not answer for even the lightest work.
Agriculture and developed areas, must be developed areas, agricultural mechanization, farm machinery and equipment industry is even more developed regions. However, Heilongjiang save the exception.
Heilongjiang is China's first granary, and medium-sized farm machinery ownership in the country first, but the development of farm machinery and equipment industry, almost at a standstill. More than 20 years ago, Heilongjiang Province, sales of farm machinery and equipment manufacturing industry nearly 20 billion yuan, the current remains the same, ranking first in the country has dropped to 17th. To a service-oriented brand integrity,As the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery ,like Sand washer supplier, Henan Hongxing is always doing the best in products and service.
Provincial Agricultural Research Institute Di He believed that reform and opening up more than 30 years, Heilongjiang Province, have missed the 'little four', 'agricultural vehicle' and 'horsepower tractors' and other development opportunities in the three farm machinery and equipment industry, today ushered in the big horsepower tractors, combines power and ancillary equipment for the characteristics of agriculture and animal husbandry 'modern farm machinery and equipment industries,' the development of the fourth opportunity.
A strong agricultural consumer market, naturally attracted many well-known agricultural enterprises. October around the province farm enterprises, 'China's a drag' and the Norwegian Grand Group will be held at Harbin agricultural exhibition, the world's second-largest farm machinery manufacturer, 'Cisco' Our company has a clear-owned factories in the northeast region.
It is proposed to apply the same principle to the lever, or sweeping horse power, as well as to the chain railway, or the device known as 'the horse power,' for sawing wood, &c. In the lever power constructed on the new principle, not only the full muscular power of the animal is obtained, but the direct velocity of about 100 revolutions in a single circuit made by the horse, renders nearly all the gearings of the old lever powers superfluous, and thereby simplifies and cheapens the machinery. It is evident that in obtaining a great direct velocity, the motion will be more regular, and obviate the inequalities and jerks, which in the old machines are constantly occasioned, by any change in the amount of power used; this uniform motion will be less fatiguing to horses.