
Innovations in Flotation Makes More Advantages

At present, 50 m3 flotation machines have widely applied in our country, and it has solved the difficult problems about technology of many enterprises and industry, such as Jinchuan group, Baotou Iron &Steel company, China Aluminum Industry Company, Guixi Smelter of Jiangxi Copper Corporation, Yunnan Phosphate Chemical Group, Jinfeng Gold Mine and other large mainstay enterprises. The 50 m3 flotation machine which they applied is more than 200 sets in total, involving the non-ferrous metal, ferrous metal, and nonmetal, gold and solid waste use, etc, and had created the great economic benefits.
The successful development of the oversize flotation machine, such as 160 m3, makes the overall competition ability and international influence of our country flotation device for further improvement. 160 m3 and 130 m3 already have been as the first choice of large milling machines in our country. PA90120 and PA100120 large dynamic lowcrusher, GYP900 inertia cone  breaker and mining of micro-bubble flotation column has also got promotion application and achieved good effect in Anqing copper mine, Ashele copper, western mining industry and other mining enterprises.
The first Minerals Separation cells were pneumatic, and prone to blinding, and were later superceded by Denver Sub-A, Wemco Fagergren and Galigher Agitair cells, the Denver Equipment Company dominating the market by the middle of the century, with over 50% of world sales. A feature of flotation plants in those days was a multitude of parallel banks of many small cells in series, something I remember from my days at Nchanga in the early 70s where many rows of tiny 1.2 m3 Denver Sub-A cells, 20 in series, were gradually being replaced by the then massive 8.6 m3 Fagergrens.
The quantum change in cell design was the move to very large cells, with the development of large cylindrical cells by Outokumpu in the early 80s, with corresponding reductions in overall capital and operating costs, as well as ease of control. With developments in rotor and stator design, cells of up to 300 m3 are now standard, with plans for 500 m3 cells at full pilot scale.
In concluding Prof. Nelson mused on where the next innovations might be made and suggested that we should be looking outside the narrow confines of the minerals industry, and evaluate the methodologies used in related fields, such as dissolved air flotation in water treatment, and techniques used in oil and tar sands processing, as well as the new field of nanotechnology.
The Flotation Machine has got the features of large air-absorption capability and very low power ingestion. Every cell has three features: air absorption, slurry absorption, and flotation divorce, along with the cells form a floatation separation loop on its own with no additional products, and is also allocated horizontally, which favors the modification of flow. The circulation of mineral slurry is affordable, which enable it to stay away from the disposition of coarse sand towards the largest extent. There is certainly self-control device at first glance of mineral slurry, therefore it is all to easy to adjust it. The impeller has backward-inclined lower and upper vanes, which develop lower and upper flow of mineral slurry correspondingly.
Hxjq is often a flotation machine manufacturer and exporter in China that has been eatablished in 1960. When you have any need, please e mail us whenever you want.
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