
Operation Guidance about Belt Conveyor

Scientific and technological advancement led to the invention of a number of useful systems and tools. Our life has become easy and smooth. There are a number of items that are designed to meet our requirements in the best possible way. Not only the householders but various industries are also using these systems.
Scientific and technological advancement led to the invention of a number of useful systems and tools. Our life has become easy and smooth. There are a number of items that are designed to meet our requirements in the best possible way. Not only the householders but various industries are also using these systems.
The main role of the conveyor belt is transport material to the next process. The motor provide drive power. The speed of belt conveyor can be adjusted through inverter or speed ratio control device. The belt conveyor use is wide, mainly connects jaw crusher, and other equipments. The next will provide the belt conveyor use and maintenance information for the readers.
1. Belt conveyor use or operation. Check the belt conveyor to avoid barrier on it before close down the machine, remove the barrier if have. Check the power pressure when belt convey at work, to ensure the normal power pressure in belt convey use. If all parts of belt conveyor is normal, the operator can power off the machine.
2. Belt conveyor maintenance. Every day, the operators should check the drive motor and reduction gear, inspect wether the belt is loosen and adjust timely. Every month, check wether the belt is elongated and timely adjust; check the expansion cylinder to ensure it is flexible, timely repair if it is not; check the goodness of fit between transmission chain wheel, timely adjust and add lubricating oil to chain. Use air gun to clean the dust in the control box of belt conveyor, to avoid accident. Do a great maintenance for belt conveyor each year, check the damage degree of every part of belt conveyor. If the operators can adopt this method to use belt conveyor, the machine will has a long using life.
In order to ensure the belt conveyor reliable operation, the most important thing is to discover and eliminate failures that can occur. This operation must be observed at any time the transport aircraft, such exceptions should be handled in a timely manner. Mechanical workers should pay regular visits to and inspection of any need to pay attention to the case or parts, which is very important. Such as a roller, does not seem very important, but the transport of high-speed conveyor belt to wear materials may soon be worn out of its shell, and a blade, the blade could seriously damage an expensive conveyor belt. Workers trained or experienced staff to the timely detection of an impending accident, and take preventive measures. Ac_countfor a large proportion of the conveyor belt conveyor belt conveyor cost. Must pay attention to in order to reduce the costs of replacement and maintenance of the conveyor, the conveyor belt operation and maintenance of knowledge and training on operation and maintenance personnel.
The article is provided by Hongxing company,As the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machineryCone crusher manufacturer, Henan Hongxing is always doing the best in products and service.

